Monday, December 28, 2015

it's high time

Write sentences with It's time someone did something.
You think the children should be in bed. It's already 11:00.

You think something should be done about the traffic problem downtown.

1. You think you should take a vacation because you haven't taken one in a very long time.
It's time I ..
2. You think Tom should write to his parents. He hasn't written to them for ages.
It's time .
3. This room should be redecorated. It looks awful.
4. You're waiting for Ann. She is late. She should be here by now.
5. You're sitting on a plane waiting for it to take off. It's already five minutes late.
6. You feel very strongly that the government should stop spending money on weapons and
should concentrate on raising the standard of living.
7. You think you should start getting dinner ready. It's nearly dinnertime already.

8. You haven't been to the dentist in almost a year. You should go every six months.

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