Sunday, December 27, 2015

Corruption - vocabulary

1) Match each of the words with the right picture from the following

Tax evasion – nepotism – embezzlement – bribery – smuggling – lobbying – whistle-blower – false accounting

2) Match the words with their definitions
-          Ethics-  integrity-  Tax evasion – nepotism – embezzlement – bribery – smuggling – lobbying –  whistle-blower  – false accounting- Money laundering.

  • ·         the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles                                   
  • ·         moral principles that control or influence a person’s behavior                                    
  • ·         the act of stealing money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer
  • ·         the crime of taking, sending or bringing goods secretly and illegally into or out of a country
  • ·         giving unfair advantages to your own family if you are in a position of power, especially by giving them jobs
  • ·         the process of hiding the origin source of the money you earned illegally.
  • ·         an organized attempt by a group of people to influence politicians on a particular issue
  • ·         fraud happens when company assets are overstated or liabilities are understated in order to make a business appear financially stronger.
  • ·         the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations and trusts.
  • ·         Money or some other benefit given to a person in power, especially a public official, in an effort to cause the person to take a particular action
  • ·         a person who informs people in authority or the public that the company they work for is doing something wrong or illegal

Ethical (moral)
Unethical  (immoral)

3) Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form

1.       As long as we (to diverse) our income, the economy (to prosper).
2.       We (to make) less of bribery providing that we (to appoint) honest civilians
3.       Unethical behaviors (to reduce) provided that government (to establish) strict laws
4.       We  (to eradicate) corruption so long as all the people (to contribute).
5.       Civil servants (not to accept) bribery providing that they (to pay) well
6.       Smugglers (not to find) a way out providing that the army (to secure) the borders well.
7.       Companies (to be) able to give false information about their financial status as long as anti corruption      associations (to watch) them well.
8.       People (to be) aware of corruption so long as government (to implement) lessons about it at school


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