Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Expressing Offer, request...ect

·        Request : is used when we want to ask people for something
·        Offer: is used when we want to give something or a service for somebody
·        Suggestion: an idea or a plan that you mention for somebody else to think about
·        Remote possibility:  the fact that something might be far from existing or happening, but is not certain to. We used could or might

·        Possibility:  the fact that something might exist or happen, but is not certain to. We used can or may

·        Ability : The capacity to do something
·        Permission:  the act of allowing somebody to do something, especially when this is done by somebody in a position of authority

·        Warning: telling or showing somebody that something bad or unpleasant may happen in the future so that they can try to avoid it

Activity one

Match the conversations with function?  

Request- offer – permission – suggestion – warning - remote possibility – possibility - ability

Activity two:

Match the sentences with their functions


  1. Man united might lose today
  2. Women can be tall and strong
  3. Don’t eat this! It is contaminated
  4. I wonder if you could give me some stamps, please!
  5. At the age of 18 you can take your driving license but you can’t vote
  6. Can I help you?
  7. A: I’m bored!
B: We could go for a walk, it may help
  1. I can play guitar very well

  • Request
  • Offer
  • Suggestion
  • Remote possibility

  • Possibility

  • Ability
  • Permission

  • warning

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