Saturday, October 8, 2016

2nd year exam L 3rd term

Here are banks of tests and exams for SECOND year students all you have to do is to download winrar program for it to work

  1. A bank of tests 2nd year.rar

   And the files below include Other tests for first year students

  1. 1er_Exam_islam_peace
  2. 1st_Term_exam_2n_year_sicen
  3. 2_lph_exam_03
  4. 2AS_LE_first_term_exam
  5. 2 year Philo and Langue first_test
  6. 2ND_LP_3rd_term_exam
  8. 2nd_year_2nd_exam
  9. 2nd_year_ecam_waste_not_want_not
  10. 2nd_year_phl_disaster
  11. 2nd_year_sci_3rd_term
  12. 2ndExam-_2lph_modified
  13. 2ndExam-_2lph
  14. 2ndexam-2_sientific
  15. 2nd_y_2nd_exam
  16. 2ND_LP_3rd_term_exam
  17. 2se_exam
  18. 3rd_term
  19. 3rd_test_for_2nd_year_letters
  20. 3rd_test_N_II_for_2nd_year_letters

                    Here is a Sample

                    THIRD TERM ENGLISH EXAM.
                    Shiekh Matrouh Eid school                                          
                    2ND Year LP Stream                                        Full Name…………………………………….


                         At least 20,000 people were confirmed dead following last weekend’s cyclone in Burma. It is estimated that another 41,000 are missing and hundreds of thousands remain homeless and without clean water. Rescue workers are still racing to deliver food and water to the worst-hit Irrawaddy delta region, which was submerged by floodwaters, leaving scenes of devastation. "More deaths were caused by the tidal wave than the storm itself,” the Burmese Minister for Relief and Resettlement told reporters. “The wave was up to 3.5m high and it swept away and inundated the houses in low-lying villages,” he added. Many roads are still blocked, and bedraggled survivors are emerging from this catastrophic scene, hungry and thirsty and vulnerable to disease. The death toll is expected to climb as authorities slowly make contact with outlying towns and villages along the coast.

                         Immediately after this disaster, UN aid planes have landed, while neighbouring India and Thailand have also sent aid flights. Another Chinese plane carrying 60 tons of aid landed in the main city, Rangoon. The US has made $3m available for disaster relief.Australia’s government also is boosting its aid to a total of 25million dollars. Its Foreign Affairs Minister, Stephen Smith, said, “It’s clear that this tragedy is on a mammoth scale and beyond the capacity of any one nation to deal with”.
                    (BBC News. Sunday, 11 May 2008)

                    A. COMPREHENSION : (08pts)
                    1)  The text is :               a- narrative.                     b- expository             d.  descriptive  (1pt)
                    2)    The text is about  :   a-earthquake                   b-fire                          d-cyclone        (1pt)
                    3)-Answer the following questions according to the text :(2pts)
                    a-How many people died in the cyclone?..................................................................................... ….......................................................................................………………………………………
                    b-Why is the death toll expected to climb?................................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
                    c-Which region was worst-hit?..................................................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
                    d-What is the main idea of the second paragraph?....................................................................... …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
                    4)-Say whether these statements are true or false according to the text. (2pts)
                    - The United Nations was late to send aid plane      ……………………
                    - More than 20,000 people were confirmed dead following last weekend’s cyclone in Burma...

                    5) What or whom do the underlined words refer to in the text (1pt)
                    a-which refers to............................                               b-he refers to................................
                    4. In which paragraph is it mentioned that………………..? (1pt )
                    The US has made $3m available for disaster relief.Australia’s government……………………

                    B. Text exploration :  (07pts)
                    1-Find in the text words that have the same meaning as: ( 2pts)
                    a-calamity=…………………      b-roads = …………………..                         
                    2- find in the text words that are opposite in meaning:
                    a-dearty ≠ ………………………                           b-rapidly ≠  ……………………...                  
                    3.Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a): (3pts)
                    a- More deaths were caused by the tidal wave than the storm itself
                    b-The tidal wave………………………………............................................................................
                    a-we help victims in such disasters.
                    b-Victims in such disasters……………………………………………………………………..
                    a-Australia’s Foreign Affair Minister said, “It’s clear that this tragedy is on a mammoth scale and beyond the capacity of any one nation to deal with.”
                    b-The Minister said………………………………………………
                    a-“Have you seen the massive destruction caused by the cyclone?” he asked her.
                    b-He asked her ………………………………………………….
                    4)spot the mistake in these sentences: (1pt)
                    a-You’d better  not to try to take the stairs and lifts
                    b-You’d better to stand away from buildings
                    5) Circle the silent letters: (1pt)    a-neighbouring        b-scene         c-which           d-blocked

                    PART TWO: Written expression (05 pts)
                    Choose one of the following topics:
                    Topic one:
                    You have experienced or heard about an emergency situation(earthquakes,floods,cyclone...)
                    Write a  composition telling us about  it.
                    What was your first  reaction?  Your feelings  ?   what did you do to overcome it
                    What did you do before ; during and after ?
                    Did you overcome the risk easily?
                    Topic two: Use the following notes to write a paragraph on deforestation and its consequences: (Erosion - climate change – species extinction – danger on animals and plants )

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