Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Shouldn't/Should have+past participle

Activity 1:  

A) Put the verbs between brackets  in past participle.

B) What does each of the sentences with (should/shouldn’t have + ppv) express? Choose the right function from these: Blame, apology, or regret

Activity 2:  

Correct the mistake when you find it

1.      I should have listen to my parents advice.
2.      I should haven’t smoked all those year. I’ve hurt myself.
3.      You shouldn’t have driven so fast.
4.      I should been more wise and not shout at my friend.
5.      You shouldn’t have waste your time on social networks.
6.      You should have studied computer science. 


Activity One

  1. stay 
  2. brought 
  3. cut
  4. woken up
  5. studied
  6. broken

Sentences with (should/shouldn’t have + ppv) express? Choose the right function from these: Blame, apology, or regret.

Activity Two

  1. listened
  2. shouldn't have
  3. correct
  4. should have
  5. wasted
  6. correct


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