Monday, February 5, 2018

Obligation, Prohibition, and absence of obligation

Conversation: read the conversation and answer the questions.
David: Hey! I went to the university today.

Steve: Interesting. What’s new?
David: I was told about the rules there.
Steve: What are they?
David: Let me first talk about some of the thing we must do.
First, you have to submit your identity card once they ask you for it.
  Also, you must attend all the lectures, laboratory classes and tutorials.  And you are required to ask for transfer only before the end of September.
Steve: Oh really! How about the things we mustn’t do?
David: Smoking is strictly prohibited there. You mustn’t smoke and you mustn’t cut classes otherwise  you will be dismissed.
Steve: And do we have to bring books there?
David: No, you don’t have to bring them because there is a library there but you can do that if you want.
  1. What are the things David and Steve obliged to do at the university?
  2. And what mustn’t they do?
  3. What does the word prohibited mean?
  4. Is a student at university obliged to bring books?
The form
Is the verb after those modals conjugated?                 
You have to submit                               
You must attend                                       
You mustn’t  smoke                            
You don’t have to bring             

Meaningful drill

Fill in the gaps with must/ have to or mustn’t according to the examples below.



 Obligations  Prohibitions  No obligation
 -We must respect others
-We have to keep cool.
 -We mustn’t cheat at exams - 
 -We don’t have to/don’t need to wear the pinafore outside school.

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