Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Exams and tests 1st year

   Here are banks of tests and exams for first year students all you have to do is to download winrar program for it to work

  1. A bank of tests 1st year.rar
  2. A bank of exams 1st_year.rar

   And the files below include Other tests for first year students


  1. A test of 1st year students
  2. Back To Nature test
  3. 1st_year_3rd_term__exam
  4. 3rd_term_test_for_1st_scientific_stream
  5. 3rd_term_test__N_II_for_1st_literary_stream
  6. diagnostic_test_1st_year
  7. diagnostic_test__1st
  8. 1st-year-Sc-Third-Term-English-Test
  9. 1ST_year_3rd_test
  10. Diagnostic Test 1st year 2015

Here is a Sample 

Part one: Reading                                                                            (15pts)
    A. Comprehension.                                                                          (08pts)            
       Read the text carefully then do the following activities.

Air pollution is actually the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life.
With the development in industry, came along the increase in air pollution, which occurs inside homes, schools, offices even in the countryside. Consequently there has been an increase in the death rates resulting from various diseases caused by air pollution varying from breathing problem to lung cancer.
 Air pollution does not only affect people but it also damages the whole ecological system in which plants and animals are harmed as well. Air pollution has reached such a critical stage where it affects the earth's atmosphere as it lets in more harmful radiation from the sun. Consequently, our polluted atmosphere is becoming a better insulator, thus, preventing heat from escaping back into space. That is why there is a global rise in temperature which scientists refer to as “Global Warming”. As a result of this rise in temperature the world food supply and sea level will be affected, also there is the probability of increase in the tropical disease.

1- Circle the letter that corresponds to the right answer.                    (01pt)                
Ø  The text is about:
                a) Measure taken to fight air pollution.
                b) The causes of air pollution.
                c) The effects of air pollution.

2- Are these statements true or false? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the statement.                                                                              (02pts) 
a- Air pollution is the contamination of water bodies like rivers and oceans.
b- Evolution of industry led to air pollution.
c- Air pollution affects only people’s health.
d-Because of Global Warming, the sea level is decreasing.

3-Answer the following questions according to the text.                        (03pts)
a- What is air pollution?
b- What does it affect?
c- What happen as a consequence of the augmentation of the temperature? 

4-In which paragraph is it mentioned that air pollution endangers the whole ecosystem?       (01pt)
5- Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?                (01pt)
a- which (§1)                              b- it (§3)
B. Text exploration:                                                                      (07pts)

1- Match each word in column A with its corresponding definition in column B.
Column A: Words
Column B: Definitions.
a/ Powerful and very dangerous RAYS that are sent out from radioactive substances.
b/ Serious, uncertain and probably dangerous.
c/ A material or device used to prevent heat, electricity or sound from escaping from something.
d/ To have an influence on or produce a change.
2- Which adjectives can be derived from the following nouns?            (01pt)
Home – fear – wonder – success.
3- Combine the following pairs of sentences using the connectors given in brackets. Make any necessary changes.                                                                  (01pt)
a- People are suffering from various diseases. People build factories in towns. (due to the fact that).
b- Polluting emitting cars are uncontrolled. The atmosphere is full of noxious gases. (therefore).
4- Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).            (02pts)
1-a. “The Earth is suffering and getting more and more hot.” Scientists declare.
    b. Scientist declare…………………………………………………………..
2- a. Our teacher advised us;” You should not throw rubbish in the classroom.”
    b. Our teacher advised us………………………………………………….. 
5- Underline the stressed syllable.                                                                 (01 pt)
Presentation                destroy               collect             erosion
Part Two: Written Expression                                                        (05pts)
                   Choose ONE of the following topics.
Topic one: Write a report about teenager’s awareness about air pollution. Use the information in the survey result below.
Teenager’s Awareness about Air Pollution.
Number of informants: 70 high school teenagers.
1/ Do you have air pollution issue in your country?       Yes 70       No 00
2/ How much have you heard about air pollution?          Often 45   sometimes  20     rarely 05
3/ Do you know what effects air pollution have on us and are aware of it?  Yes; of course 50   yes; a little bit 13     No, not really 07.
4/ Which of these factors do you think creates the most amount of air pollution?   Carbon emission that are emitted from transportation.  40     Smokes from industrialization processes in factories   20      Smoke from volcanoes 10.         
Start like this:       
 This report present details about teenager’s awareness about air pollution. I decided to find out whether it was true that teenagers were aware about this topic.
            Surprisingly, I found that……………………………………………………………………
Topic two:  In a few lines, write a paragraph about the following topic:
What will happen if we don’t stop deforestation and carry on cutting trees?

Best of luck

Give Advice

Giving Advice

ADVICE /ədˈvaɪs/

suggestions about what you think someone should do or how they should do something (a noun) - ADVICE to make a suggestion about what you think someone should do or how they should do something (a verb) - ADVISE

Advice is an uncountable noun, so:
 it is never used in the plural it never comes after an or a number

 ✗ Naomi Wolf gave me a good advice in her book. 

✓ Naomi Wolf gave me some good advice in her book.
✗ They were always there to give practical advices. 
✓ They were always there to give practical advice.

Q: How can I refer to a single item of advice, rather than to advice in general?A: Advice is mostly used on its own or with some. 
  • If you're worried about it, contact your doctor for advice.
  • I think you should get some advice from a professional.
  •  You can also say a word of advice, a piece of advice, or (informally) a bit of advice.
But none of these expressions is common.

Don't confuse advice (a noun) and advise (a verb):

 ✗ I would advice you to choose this company.
✓ I would advise you to choose this company.

The most popular way of giving advice is by using the modal verb: “should”. However we can also use other different phrases or expressions and words. 
Match the phrases or words with the construction that is used afterwards.  
1. should                      
2. had better 
3. ought  
4. how about 
 5. why don’t you
 6. if I were you  
 to do something
 I would do something
 do something
 do something
 doing something
 do something 

Examples of the structures above in context. 
  •  If you want to study French, you should start learning it right now.
  •  If you want to lose weight, you shouldn’t eat so much chocolate. 
  • You ought to drink less alcohol.
  •  Why don’t you come jogging with me? 
  •  How about going to the cinema. 
  •  If I were you, I would stop smoking. 
  •  You’d better start learning now, 
  • if you have an exam tomorrow. 
Task 2Practise the words and phrases in the situations below: 

1. Your friend wants to lose weight. 
2. Your colleague is not happy with his workplace.
 3. You best friend is not happy with her job.
 4. You sister doesn’t know if she wants to buy a house or a flat.

 5. Your son wants to study languages.

re-write the sentences using “should, had better, ought to,

6- it is highly recommended that people don’t buy fake products.
7- it is better to check the expiry date before consuming the product.
8- it is advisable we report counterfeiters.
9- Why don’t  you stay away from internet and start buckling down.
10- I advise you not to stay up late.
11- I think you should put your diet into consideration.
12- I don’t think government should accept an American military base on its land.

13- If I were you, I would respect the law

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Expressing ability

  1. In the present :

Ali can lift weight                             Yacine can’t lift weight
Ali is able to lift weight                   Yacine isn’t able to lift weight
We use can to say that somebody has the capacity to do something.  The difference beween can and to be able to is that can is generally used in speaking whereas to be able to is more formal.
Can= يستطيع أن

 Postive form  Negative form
I can swim                                        
I am able to swim
She/he/it is able to swim                                        
You/they/we are able to swim  
  I cannot swim 
 I am not able to swim  
she/he/it is not able to swim
  you/they/we are not able to swim

N.B  after can /to be able to the verb isn’t conjugated (stem)
الفعل لا يصرف بعد can /to be abl
  1. In the past could and was/were be able to

I could play soccor when I was young

  1. We use could  for genral ability when somebody used to have the capacity to do something in the past.
  • We can replace was/were able to with could.
Could  تستعمل عندما نتكلم عن شخص كان باستطاعته فعل شيء ما في الماضي .
نستطيع استبدالها ب was/were able to في هذه الحالة.
e.g I could swim when I was young.

 Postive form  Negative form

  • I could swim                                          
  • I was able to swim                                                    
  • She/he/it was able to swim                     
  • You/they/we were able to swim   

  • I could not swim  
  • she/he/it was not able to swim
  • I was not able to swim   
  • you/they/we were not able to swim 

  1. We use was/were able to when we want to talk about a specific situation which was very difficult in the past but you were able to make it.
  • We can’t use could here.
Was/were able to تستعمل عندما نكون في مشكلة جد صعبة و لكننا ننجح في حلها في الأخير.
لا نستطيع استبدالها ب could  في هذه الحالة.
e.g  I was swiming in the sea. Suddenly, I saw a big whale :o. I started swiming so fast and ElhamduliAllah I was able to reach the beach.
Here was/were able to can be replaced with managed to or succeeded to
  1. In the future
we use will be able to + stem
I will be able to teach at university if I obtain my PHd. (doctorat)

               CLICK HERE
To download the lesson

The UNICEF is a UN program headquartered in New York city. It was created in 1946 and could give healthcare and food to children in countries that had been affected by the WWII. Now, It can provide humanitarian help to children and mothers in 190 countries. On 7 September 2006, the UNICEF were able to sign an agreement with Barcelona and it was the first time a sport club had helped an organization. The work of the UNICEF is not enough because they haven’t been able to solve some important issues, yet, like child labor but they will be able to solve the problem of child labor it in the future.
I)             Comprehension
     1)   What was the UNICEF mission after the WWII?
     2)   What are the UNICEF capable of doing at the present?
     3)   What was the UNICEF able to do in 2006? 
     4)   Have they been able to stop child labor, yet?
     5)   What can they do in the future?

II)             Correct the mistake when you find it
     A.    The UNICEF can helping the children 
     B.     The security council could stopped some wars  
     C.     The international monetary fund cannot lends money to corrupt countries
     D.    The WHO hasn’t been able to eradicated diseases around the world
1)   What each of these organizations is capable of doing?

UNICEF                                                     can stop diseases                                                     
UNESCO                                                   can lend money to countries
WHO                                                         can settle disputes
IMF                                                            can help children and mothers
The Security Council                               can develop schools

2)   Answer those questions
What body of the UN can make peace?
Can the WHO stop wars?
Can the UNICEF help poor children?
What does can express?